
11月19日(日)、東京都にある六本木ヒルズ ハリウッドプラザ ハリウッドホールにて全国生活体験発表大会が行われました。この大会は、全国の定時制・通信制高等学校に学ぶ生徒が、学校生活を通して、感じたり学んだりした貴重な体験を発表し、多くの人々に感動と励ましを与えることを目的としたものです。本校の代表生徒は自己の成長をテーマにスピーチし、厚生労働省人材開発統括官賞を受賞しました。観客の心を揺さぶるような素晴らしい発表でした。



On November 19th (Sunday), the National Life Experience Presentation Competition took place at Roppongi Hills Hollywood Plaza Hollywood Hall in Tokyo. This competition aims to provide students from nationwide part-time and correspondence high schools with the opportunity to share valuable experiences they have felt or learned through their school lives, inspiring and encouraging many people. Our school’s representative student delivered a speech on the theme of personal growth and was honored with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Human Resource Development Director’s Award. It was a remarkable presentation that deeply moved the audience.

Looking ahead, we hope that she will continue to grow further, enriching their school life and working towards the realization of her dreams.